We appreciate you trusting us with your child and are committed to making the first
transition away from home easy and natural for you and your child.
PLAY GROUP – Age group 1½ to 2½ years
Conventional methods of education in a child's life primarily begins with Kindergarten
schooling. However, pre-school years are becoming equally important and crucial
in a child's development and for building a strong foundation.
Children at this age are always imbibing information through all their senses. Our
curriculum and monthly themes are based on real-world sensory experiences in order
to cater to this need.
Your child will spend a major part of his day singing, dancing,
laughing playing and exploring both indoor and outdoor activities. Besides, he will
be encouraged to learn, grow and discover at his own natural pace.
Every day is filled with fun activities and everything we do is designed to educate.
Along with Value Education, your child will learn and acquire skills in:
- Language
- Numbers
- Gross and Fine Motor
- Emotional
- Cognitive
- Aesthetic / Creative