Core team at the best montessori in kolkata

Our Core Team

Rohit Bihani


Fatima Shahid

Center Co-ordinator

Moulakshi Dubey

Sangita Dutta

Sohini Banerjee

Founder's Desk

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little ‘extra’. When we envisaged the journey of Morning Blossom, it was to bring in that little extra under the foray of pre-primary schooling which has always been present somewhere, but never effectively and coherently all together under the umbrella of a single educational institution.

Pre-school method of kindergarten learning has come a long way from the days of Maria Montessori, and modern enhanced methodologies are being used nowadays to engage all the active senses of our students. As experts say, the brain of a child is like a sponge until the age of 7-8 years. The capacity to absorb information, methodologies, concepts and processes during this age is boundless; which is why therefore, it is very important for parents and educationists to ensure that it is fully channelized in the right direction. Likewise, the energy that children possess as infants and toddlers is tremendous, which needs to be harnessed in the right direction through guided activities and play.

Today with the advent of technology, doors have opened for passionate and well-trained teachers to pass down much more valued added education to our profusely tech-savvy children. Our in-house content development team has synthesized latest relevant research into the curriculum, and its various manifestations into the learning process. While this is being upgraded constantly, it has been systematically rolled out to achieve a high level of learning effectiveness by assessing the learner’s prior engagement and conditions that encourage learning.

We at MBMS strongly believe that these are the crucial foundation years of your child, and that they need to be entrusted with experts who will ensure they are properly attended to as their own child. Morning Blossom is your child’s home away from home, where Blossom Aunties and Blossom Didis know perfectly well what will be best for your child. With this underlying philosophy, we welcome all parents and your little precious gems to be a part of this growth process.